
10 Reasons Why Endurance Athletes Don’t Reach Their Peak Potential

10 Reasons Why Endurance Athletes Don’t Reach Their Peak Potential

There are many reasons why an endurance athlete may not reach their peak potential. This article attempts to provide an overview of some of the more common reasons many individuals struggle to achieve their best. Each list item will include the reason, an explanation, and a link to more detailed information on the topic.

Endurance Sports Nutrition: Are High Carb or High Fat Diets Better? Delving into the Science...

Endurance Sports Nutrition: Are High Carb or High Fat Diets Better? Delving into the Science...

The following article will cover the current nutritional recommendations for endurance sports.

There is a growing theory that we will become a "metabolically efficient" athlete if we starve ourselves of carbohydrates (CHO) by eating a diet high in fat and low in CHO. This theory is based around that if we only have fat available to use for energy, our bodies will adapt and utilise more of this for energy production.